National Police Public Relations Task Force Holds Operation Puri Agung, Ready to Guard the 10th World Water Forum in Bali

National Police Public Relations Task Force Holds Operation Puri Agung, Ready to Guard the 10th World Water Forum in Bali

Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Sandi Nugroho while leading the 2024 Ops Puri Agung Public Relations Task Force roll call. (Photo: National Police Public Relations)

JAKARTA, Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Sandi Nugroho, led the rally for the 2024 Ops Puri Agung Public Relations Task Force. The operation was held to oversee the running of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali on 18-25 May 2024.

In his message, the Head of the Public Relations Division said that this international event, like events that had been held previously, could be a golden opportunity for Indonesia to introduce tourism, especially Bali. Therefore, members of the National Police and TNI must work together to make this event a success.

“The National Police together with TNU and related stakeholders are working together to ensure that this event can run safely,” said Sandi, Monday (6/5/2024).

According to him, the Puri Agung operation will be held 10 days before the event. There are 5,791 personnel consisting of 2,485 National Police Headquarters personnel, 2,706 Bali Regional Police personnel, 300 East Java Regional Police personnel and 300 NTB Regional Police personnel involved in security.

“10 days before the 10th World Water Forum event and expanded to areas in East Java and West Nusa Tenggara,” he said.

Inspector General Sandi emphasized that personnel who are members of the Public Relations Task Force for Ops Puri Agung 2024 must ensure that all forms of activities provide positive value for security. Socialization must also be carried out by collaborating with various parties, starting from influencers, local and national media as well as ambassadors from the event.

According to him, security, service and socialization must be carried out humanely. This is done to support the public relations function so that the echo of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali becomes more widespread.

“Indonesia’s election as host of the 10th World Water Forum is an important moment to show the world its real commitment and contribution in the field of water resources,” said the two-star general.

He added that the success of this operation depends on the synergy between the National Police and related agencies to maintain security, safety, order, smoothness and even health during the operation. Due to this, all personnel of the National Police Public Relations Task Force were ordered to build good coordination and publish massively.

On the other hand, Dirgakkum Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Pol Raden Slamet Santoso as Head of the Escort, Route, Patrol and Parking Task Force (Kasatgas Walrolakir) ensured that his party was ready to secure and escort heads of state and delegates to the 2024 World Water Forum Summit. He conveyed this in the meeting coordinating readiness for the 2024 Puri Agung Operation.

“We have prepared several things with existing points of vulnerability, including security and security, security and traffic,” he said.

Security and escort personnel have undergone training to improve their skills and professionalism. Apart from that, personnel and patrol vehicles will later be dispatched to Bali. Not only that, Kabaharkam Polri Komjen Pol M Fadil Imran has also inspected the venue that will be used in the event.

“We have carried out training for the VVIP and VIP escort officers, then PAM route officers and parking officers, starting from 23-26, who will then carry out the shift of troops and vehicles to Bali,” said the National Police’s Traffic Corps Directorate General of Police.

It is known that the World Water Forum will be attended by 43 heads of state, 4 international organizations, 194 ministers and more than 17,000 participants from 172 countries. Starting from elements of government, parliament, including politics, multilateral institutions, the private sector, academics, practitioners, associations, the private sector and society at the national and international levels will be present at the event.

The 10th World Water Forum takes the theme Water for Shared Prosperity or water for shared prosperity.